Our People

Meet Jim Lozier

Tempe, Arizona, U.S.

Jim Lozier

在1989年加入雅各布斯之前,吉姆是美国海军的一名研究脱盐工程师,开发移动反渗透装置,以支持海军陆战队. As a consultant, Jim has delivered membrane and desalination projects for clients in North America, Singapore, Australia and the Middle East.

In his role as Jacobs global principal for membrane treatment and desalination, 吉姆努力跟上这些领域的新兴技术以及先进的水再利用技术,以帮助我们的客户为他们的项目提供最佳的水处理解决方案.

Jim在水处理行业拥有超过41年的经验,专门从事膜技术在地面处理中的应用, surface and industrial water, as well as for brackish and sea water desalination and for potable reuse. 吉姆率先应用膜过滤反渗透预处理用于二次出水的处理, which has been adapted across the globe for potable reuse. 他的兴趣在于从事具有挑战性和复杂的项目,这些项目需要先进的处理技术来提供具有成本效益和可持续的供水和再利用项目.

“As the world is increasingly challenged by the shortage of fresh water, 海水淡化和饮用水再利用对于确保所有国家所有人民的安全和可持续供水至关重要.”

Jim Lozier

Jim Lozier

Global Principal - Membrane Treatment and Desalination, Jacobs

Most recently, Jim专注于新技术的应用,以实现海水淡化的高回收率,接近零液体排放,以及从海水淡化精矿和盐水流(盐水开采)中回收矿物质。. 这些技术对于降低海水淡化的成本以及将传统上被认为难以处理的废物流转化为宝贵的资源至关重要.

Jim是土木工程的注册专业工程师,拥有生物学学士学位和土木工程硕士学位. Jim曾担任美国膜技术协会和美国水工程协会的领导职务,并担任国际海水淡化协会世界大会的技术委员会成员. Jim has also served on the Editorial Boards of the journals, Desalination and Desalination and Water Treatment.

  • 12

    Countries travelled to for delivering advanced water treatment projects

  • 41

    Years delivering water treatment projects

  • 4

    Number of times he’s trekked in the Grand Canyon, most recently at age 68!

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