

这是John Noble副总裁,生命科学总经理

John Noble is responsible for providing solutions to our 生命科学 clients in the U.S.美国、欧洲和亚太地区. 在这个角色中, he challenges our expert teams to combine innovation with best practice to deliver projects safely and at an accelerated pace, 通常是为了应对全球卫生危机.


Highly responsive to our clients and their demands to get to market quickly, 同时为他们的投资提供最佳价值, 约翰对“找到出路”的知识和热情, 不管这个挑战看起来多么不可能, 总是保证产生令人难以置信的结果吗.

  • 20 +

    years’ experience in the design and construction of manufacturing facilities for pharmaceuticals, 生物技术, 炼油和化工

  • 4 K+


John’s approach ensures that the global team he leads designs and builds facilities for the world’s biggest 生命科学 companies, 帮助将变革性疗法和治疗方法推向市场.

He's deeply invested in client projects and combines his industry experience with a personal appreciation of the impact of our work – several facilities we have designed and built have manufactured therapies which saved family members' lives.

约翰获得了博士学位.D. and Master’s in chemical engineering from Imperial College, University of London. 他在雅各布斯公司运营的每个大洲都工作过.


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雅各布斯的约翰·诺布尔 分享了雅各布斯生命科学团队的运作方式 站在科学和技术的最前沿,帮助拯救生命.




亚洲体育博彩平台的John Noble讨论了mRNA这是一个迅速发展的医学领域.



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How are How CDMOs are supporting a paradigm shift in pharma manufacturing? 雅各布斯的 约翰·诺布尔 医药制造业.


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雅各布斯的约翰·诺布尔 discussed how diversity and digitization can help fast-track CDMO projects with 医药制造业.

How The Bio-pharma Sector’s Quest to Combat COVID-19 is Transforming Project Delivery

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雅各布斯的约翰·诺布尔 分享制胜秘诀 加速项目交付时代的项目交付.